Dr. Long Yi is highly recognized as the top researcher in energy saving windows as well as smart materials and devices. She has been invited to 7 keynote presentation and 7 invited talks by the research community. The most recognizable talks are:
1. Dr. Long Yi has been invited to be the one of three panellists to discuss the energy savings in buildings by MIT to discuss energy saving smart windows in Colloquium No. 13: Thermal Materials for Building Walls and Windows.
The youtube link of the talk is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCfnAomb2po
2. Dr. Long Yi have been invited to give an open public lecture to China with up to 2000 audience online about energy saving windows. This open lecture invited 13 experts to discuss solutions to achieve zero-energy consumption buildings from various aspect. She is the only lecturer who discussed windows.
3. Dr. Long Yi was invited to be the keynote speaker of smartmat series of cloud lectures (issue 82) on smart materials and smart devices. Lecture platform: BiliBili (Beep), Baidu, Tik Tok and other live synchronous broadcast platform .
The Bilibili link of the talk is: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1jV411W78U?p=1
4. Dr. Long Yi was invited to be the keynote speaker of IAS@NTU Discovery Science Seminar, jointly organised by IAS and the Graduate Students' Clubs of EEE, MSE and SPMS at NTU. The youtube link of the talk is: